More Reflections

  • Parable of the Sower

    Parable of the Sower

    by Revd Jemima Lewis On Sunday we looked at the Parable of the Sower and wondered together what the different aspects of the story represented. We thought about how, if… Read more

  • A first for St Mary’s…

    A first for St Mary’s…

    We often define our lives by notable firsts: our first word, our first step, our first kiss… This is also true in our shared lives: did you know that this… Read more

  • The Little Things

    The Little Things

    We had more beautiful Spring weather last week.  Of course, our news and prayers are dominated by big things. I keeping hearing the acronym ‘CUB’ to describe the times we… Read more

  • Lent Reflection – grappling with temptation

    Lent Reflection – grappling with temptation

    by Revd Jemima Lewis Have a read of the traditional Lenten passage known as the temptation of Jesus in Luke 4… Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan… Read more