Social media is a collective term for websites and applications that enable users to create and share content and participate in social networking. The best-known platforms are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok and YouTube, but the term also covers online forums and blogs, as well as less well-known applications. When used well, social media is an effective means of connecting with people and offers a number of opportunities for the church. These opportunities are not without risks, but working within the following guidelines and using the same common sense, kindness and sound judgement that we would use in a face-to-face encounter, will help us to engage well with our church and communities.
- St Mary’s Kings Worthy will endeavour to work in ways which make the digital world safer, kinder, honest, respectful and accountable, respecting confidentiality, copyright, data protection and legal frameworks.
- St Mary’s Kings Worthy will adhere to the Church of England’s guidelines and Winchester Diocese’s guidelines in our use of social media and the best practice guidelines.
- St Mary’s Kings Worthy will also adhere to the guidelines set out in the House of Bishops’ Parish Safeguarding Handbook, section 12 and the Safer Environment and Activities Guidance 2019, section 4.4, and will adhere to the Diocese of Winchester’s Safeguarding Policy, which includes not publishing images of young people online without written parental permission. Any safeguarding concerns that arise will be reported to the Parish Safeguarding Officer and Diocesan Safeguarding Manager. Please contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team at if you have any questions.
- All church officers1 are made aware of the best practice guidance on the use of social media, as above.
- When discussing topics relating to the Church of England or the Diocese of Winchester, all church officersmust be clear about who they are and use their real name, and adhere to the guidelines above.
- The incumbent and the PCC are ultimately responsible for the views and content shared on the parish’s social media account. Any posts that could be considered controversial must therefore be approved by the incumbent or the PCC before publishing.
- The incumbent and the PCC are ultimately responsible.
The PCC has reviewed and approved the use of social media by St Mary’s Kings Worthy.
Approved by PCC meeting of: 21 October 2024
1 A “Church Officer” is anyone appointed/elected by or on behalf of the Church to a post or role, whether they are ordained or lay, paid or unpaid.