

24th June 2024

The latest British Social Attitude survey published last week revealed what we all probably know; that confidence in politicians is at an all-time low. It cited anger over Partygate, perceived broken promises over Brexit, and crumbling public services as behind the results. It seems as if there’s an issue with believing what is beings said – again, something we’re hearing as the debate about tax rises and tax cuts goes on and on.

But let’s be honest – it’s a hard job that politicians take on. They seek to win votes, curry support, and that, at times, often means that getting the message wrong or slipping up in public can have disastrous consequences. Bravery and courage are often in short supply, come at great risk and are not really vote winners.

This coming Sunday at Breakfast Church we’re looking at the story of Esther – a small book in the Old Testament. It’s a funny little book really – nowhere is God mentioned by name – what we get is a story about drunkenness, wild parties, irrational promises, deceitful activity, murderous intent and moral compromise. But in it all we find Esther who risks her own life by speaking out bravely and courageously so that her exiled people (the Jews) can be saved.

We’ll be considering what it means to be a hero, the time when it’s easier to stay silent rather than speak up and what the New Testament advice to disciples was in the hard situations they often faced. There will be some craft activities for children and adults to enjoy and some questions and issues to reflect on more deeply.

One of those issues is this – in Esther’s story, it seems as if God uses morally compromised people as part of his plan and that this might even come about through situations that we might not be comfortable with or even keep away from. Perhaps a reminder that ‘his ways are not our ways.’ I wonder what we think about that?

Anyway, I’m looking forward to us being together. Breakfast begins at 9.15am and our service at 10.00am!

I hope to see you then.

Revd Paul