Open Book Open Mind

‘Open Book, Open Mind’ is an apologetics discussion group in which we discuss a book each term in order to challenge ourselves to think more deeply about our faith.

We try to make no assumptions about what anyone in the group believes, and we make no judgements of people based on what they contribute.

The spring OBOM sessions have just finished. ‘Open Book, Open Mind’ is about “going deeper in honesty, understanding, and friendship” and we’ve been doing this most recently as we’ve discussed “The Air We Breathe” by Glen Scrivener. The central theme of the book is that the values we hold dear in the West are deeply rooted in the Christian Faith. Many have rejected the foundation on which these values have been built and so we might ask whether the values themselves can survive without the story that gave rise to them.

Open, honest, thought-provoking conversations, without assumptions or judgements, have helped us to go deeper together.

Watch this space in the coming weeks for our next book. All are very welcome to join in.

Please contact Stephen Golding or the church office to register your interest or for more information.