Open Book Open Mind

‘Open Book, Open Mind’ is an apologetics discussion group in which we discuss a book each term in order to challenge ourselves to think more deeply about our faith.

Last term we discussed Jonathan Sack’s book, ‘The Great Partnership – God, Science and the Search for Meaning.’ The purpose of the group is ‘to go deeper in honesty, understanding and friendship’ and the late Rabbi’s thought-provoking material has certainly helped us to do that.

We try to make no assumptions about what anyone in the group believes, and we make no judgements of people based on what they contribute.

‘The Great Partnership’ has taken us into a wide range of issues. We have explored the relationship between science and faith and the possible consequences of a loss of faith, both individually and as a civilization. We have thought about Darwin, the problem of evil, how religion can go wrong, as well as how significant scientific discoveries in the Twentieth Century might constitute evidence for the existence of God.

We enjoyed warm hospitality and honest discussion.

The next session of OBOM starts on 10th October and everyone is very welcome to join in. We will be discussing ‘The Great Divorce’ by CS Lewis.
10.30am – 12.30pm (venue tbc)
Thursday 10th, 17th, 24th October & 7th, 14th November

Please contact Stephen Golding or the church office to register your interest or for more information.