
Collection for Winchester Basics Bank

4th January 2023
General, St Mary's, St Swithun's

As you may remember, during harvest last year, the Basics Bank requested that food items donations be spread throughout the year so they don’t get inundated by churches all at the same time. Our parishes were asked to donate items in January 2023 instead.

From this Sunday, there will be a donation box at the back of both churches and we will be collecting over the whole of January before taking the items to the Basics Bank in early February.

They would like donations of most grocery items, in particular the following:

  • Tinned veg (sweetcorn, garden peas, carrots, mixed veg, mushrooms)
  • Tinned Fruit
  • Fruit Juice (NOT fizzy drinks please)
  • Jam, Honey, etc.
  • Rice pudding, custard, etc.
  • UHT Milk (full fat, semi skimmed and non-dairy)
  • Marmite, Peanut Butter
  • Coffee, Hot Chocolate
  • Cleaning Materials
  • Toiletries (Shower Gel, Shampoo)

Hygiene products

  • Toilet paper
  • General cleaning products (kitchen/bathroom spray)
  • Deodorant
  • Bleach and toilet cleaner

Items that we currently have a surplus of and DON’T NEED…….

  • Tea
  • Porridge
  • Toothpaste
  • Hand soap

We never accept the following items:

  • Alcohol (or items containing alcohol)
  • Opened, part used or damaged items
  • Homemade items
  • Items passed their use-by date or best-before
  • Hair dye
  • Vitamins/herbal supplements