Friends of the Family (FOTF) is an independent local charity set up in 1993. The two founder members felt that the ‘right help should be given at the right time’. Staff and trained volunteers work with parents and children who are finding it difficult to cope with family life. Their unique services are delivered in Winchester and its surrounding villages. Initially the service provided help and support for mums and pre-school children. Over the years this has changed and now there is also a 5 to 13 years project, a Dad’s group, and a counselling service. This year has been incredibly difficult because of the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns for the charity and all the families and children whom they support and help. There has been extra stress and worry for already vulnerable families, but the staff and volunteers of FOTF have managed to keep in touch with families and children in a variety of ways, by phone, texts, zooming, writing and socially distanced meetings when possible. They have also been fundraising in a variety of enterprising ways throughout the year. If you want to know more about this wonderful local charity, ways to volunteer, get more involved, or donate, you can go to their web site at,