We are delighted to be in a position to move forward with the roofing repairs at St Swithun’s. All the necessary permits and permissions have been obtained. Contractors are due on site on 19 August.
Here’s the plan we are working towards:
- Sunday 18th August – church and car park closes to the public
- Monday 19th August – scaffolding is erected and Heras fencing placed around the church along with remote sensors
- Tuesday 27th August – complete stripping of the chancel north and south roofs begins
The scope of the work is to re-felt, re-baton and re-roof the north and south chancel roofs; patch and repair frost damaged tiles on the nave roof and vestry roofs; replace the ridge tiles throughout; clean out, re-fix and re-paint all the guttering; re-fix, weatherproof the tower weatherboards; review and re-tile/repair the tower roof and finally, replace a new stone cross on the east end gable.
This work will make the roofs secure for the long term whilst still maintaining a cosy home for our common pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) and serotine (Eptesicus serotinus) bats!

We have a limited window in which to do this work – essentially by the end of October, so conservatively I’m expecting us to be out of the building until Sunday 3rd November. This will be the day of its re-opening and our deferred Harvest Festival at 11.00am.
What will we do in the meantime?
Well, just because the church building is closed, doesn’t mean the church has! We, the people, are the church and so we will want and need to continue to meet together throughout this time to grow and to encourage one another in our journey of faith.
The St Mary’s churchwardens have extended a very warm and generous welcome to us so that we can do this with them – our sister church. In practical terms, we will transfer all planned 8.00am BCP communion from St Swithun’s to St Mary’s on 1st and 3rd Sundays. We are warmly invited to join with our friends at their 10.00am services each week or to worship at St Mary’s Chapel at 3.00pm on 1st and 3rd Sundays. This is not a time for us to vanish or disappear – we need one another so I’m looking forward to growing with and enjoying many of these (enforced) joint services together.
Lots going on, much to give thanks for and good work and progress at St Mary’s with their Cherish Building Project! If you’ve not fed back to the team, please do so – all voices and views are welcome as that vital project continues to take shape.
With every blessing, Revd Paul Bradish