
St Swithun’s Opening Plans

19th February 2025
General, St Mary's, St Swithun's

I’m pleased to tell you that the roofing project has been successfully completed! The last piece of guttering was installed on Monday, scaffolding removed and all the rubbish cleared. (Here’s a picture of the medieval roof structure that we had drawn for us as part of the tower renovation). 

I hope that you are as delighted with it as I am! I think it looks wonderful and I’m delighted that the effort and investment that the PCC committed to has brought such amazing results. One final element remains – a new stone cross above the church door will be installed in the next week or so. Historically there always was one, but no-one in living memory can remember it being there! Now is our opportunity to finish the job by having a new one (one that matches the new east gable cross) placed back in situ.

Starting on Monday 17th February, the church car park will get a surface refresh as well as work on the paths and surrounding vegetation. This will last about 5 days and I’m hoping the contractor will be able to straighten the highway road sign at the same time! We will not be doing anything around the church door as the ground there needs more significant work when the weather has improved and we can aerate the soil and re-seed.  

The first Sunday service will be held on Sunday 9th March at 10.00am when John Sweeting and I will lead a service of Holy Communion.

You’ll be pleased to know that I have sought and obtained confirmation that Bishop David Williams will visit St Swithun’s on his last official Sunday in the diocese, Sunday 30th March at 10.00am. After that date +David will have a short rest before his final service at the Cathedral on Maundy Thursday. Thereafter he heads for Truro and his new role as diocesan bishop.

Sunday 30th March is Mothering Sunday – a very special Sunday during Lent. It is also a fifth Sunday – one when traditionally we join together at either of our churches. The Kings Worthy churchwardens have kindly agreed that we should make that Sunday a joint service at St Swithun’s when +David will be amongst us for the very last time. 

Can I encourage you to plan to be with us for that service? Weather depending, the service will probably start outside as I am hoping that +David will be willing to bless the new porch stone cross and re-dedicate the church after our 7 months away.

We will continue with our celebrations with coffee and cake after the service.

I’d like to use that service as an opportunity for us to pray for +David as he leaves us, but also to thank him for his many years of faithful service to us and others. 

It is usual in this situation that we express our gratitude by giving a gift – we are arranging a special one for +David, linked to the roof renovation, but I’m hoping that we might also gather up a monetary gift that we give to +David on that day in recognition of his help and support to us in the diocese and in our parishes.

If you’d like to make a contribution to that gift, you can drop an envelope into the church office or leave it on the plate at the back of St Mary’s or St Swithun’s – but please make sure that your envelope is marked ‘Bishop David’s Leaving Gift’. We will make sure that all gifts are consolidated into one gift that we present on the day.

If you are planning to attend on 30th March can I invite you to let us know in advance. We will need to carefully manage numbers with health and safety in mind.

Please indicate your desire to attend by accepting a digital invitation that is being sent out or by letting the church office know. Please do this by 15th March – Thank you!

I am very excited to mark this special occasion together.

With every blessing,
Revd Paul